We all met up in Milano Central Station, at the agreed time, early one late spring morning. I must say we attracted some pretty strange looks – dressed up for the mountains, skis and boots strapped onto our large rucsacks while the Milanese commuters rushed to work, already displaying the best of the Spring/Summer fashion collection. Jut enough time to purchase rail tickets for Brig in Switzerland, a walk down the platform and we were bound for Switzerland. As we arrived in Brig we already looked more like part of the scenery and we quickly found the local “post” bus which would take us to Arolla.
The early afternoon found us in the small ski resort of Arolla. Boots and skis on our feet, climbing skins under the skis and rucsacks on our backs. The walk up to the mountain hut (Cabanne de Dix – 2928m) through the Pas des Chevres (Goat Pass), which would serve us our first resting point would only take us a few hours. The rest of the evening was spent in small chat, anticipating the great days in front of us, while we listened to the babble of German voices around us, an occassional French voice was heard but we wouldn’t hear anymore Italian except for our own voices for the rest of the trip.
The next morning found us in front of the hut, applying the thawed out skins to the bottom of our frozen skis, while the sun struggled to make it’s appearance behind the scudding clouds. It didn’t look like it was going to be a good day for ski-touring, or for photography, but we had a schedule to stick to so we headed out across the glacier towards our first objective of the day, the Pigne D’Arolla. Leaving the towering Mont Blanc de Cheilon (3870m) on our right we quickly gained the slopes of the Pigne. A beautiful pyramid with perfect skiing slopes. Sweating under the heavy rucsacks we climbed rapidly, leaving the majority of other skiiers behind us and by 10 o’clock we were already on the top of the peak – 3790m. Despite the clouds and grey skies we had a beautiful 360° view, mountains and glaciers in every direction. Unfortunately the light was not good for photography, so after a brief rest we removed the skins, tightened our boots and ski-bindings and set off down the other side. The surface of the snow was a little icy at first but we soon reached some better slopes where we could enjoy the sensation of curving and speeding down the immaculate white slopes. A couple of hours later we had already reached the Cabanne des Vignettes (3160m) our second resting point.
The next day found us traversing the Glacier du Mont Collon under blue but windy skies.

We are the last to leave the hut the next morning. Todays photographs will all be in the late afternoon and early evening on top of the Tete Blanche so there is no need to hurry. We pay for this laziness in the heat and blinding reflection of sun on white snow during the early afternoon, as we slog our way across the Haut Glacier de Tsa de Tsan bound for the Col des Bouquetins and from there to the top of Tete Blanche 3710m.

After shooting the final photos in the setting sun light we ski down the other side and direct our skis towards the Cabanne de Bertol 3311m where we arrive in the dark. Tomorrow we shall ski under the Matterhorn and then onwards to Zermatt.