I’m not the only one in the family training for this summer. My son Elia is also getting ready for a summer’s worth of mountain action. A couple of years ago we started him on a mountain bike with just some easy rolling trips.

Last year when he was just seven years old we introduced him to MTB downhill while we were on holiday in the Austrian Alps. He loved it, taking most of the corners with the rear wheel locked and skidding into them like a miniature profesional, also scaring the heck out of his mother and myself.
We’re hoping to do a lot more of this when the summer rolls round so last Saturday morning we went over to the local skatepark to try out some climbing and descending abilities with his MTB.

A hour of up and down, around and around. His control has really improved though he still has to flex his kness and get his ass back behind the saddle during the descents, but we’re getting there.

This summer is going to be so much fun!!!!